Systems Documentation
Notes, and Things to be done.
Operations Guide for current systems
Server Modernization Phase I
- Moving all legacy system functions onto separate linux containers isolated from each other.
- Use mirrored disk systems to insure that disk corruption does not lead to data corruption.
- Start giving a shit about the systems, code, and sites on them.
- Own your code/data. (If your free code hosting system is shutdown or taken over by Microsoft is it really free)
- Clean up the cruft (If it doesn't bring you joy DTMFA)
Server Modernization Phase II
- Integrate Ansible into system maintenance tasks
- Reevaluate Centos and other RPM based containers built using playbooks vs profiles/scripts/cloud-init while maintaining current security model
- Develop off site backup strategy.
SMP III Make Shit Happen / Own Your Shit
- Work on secure and efficient traffic in and out of home lans (Privoxy,DNS based ad blocking,squid etc)
- Continue to refine server operation/maintanance.
- Build Gitlab and other alternatives to trac/git and evaluate workflows.
- Deploy off site backup strategy.
- Build out content.
- Start new projects.
- Distribute data and backups over the network to home servers.
- Document home server/network setup