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This repository includes the inventory and playbooks for using ansible to manage lxd/lxc based containers as well as common files used to maintain suspect devices environment.

Installing Ansible on lxd server.

Notes On Installing Ansible

Using Ansible.


The hosts file serves to categorize and document the containers running on kb2018 and bs2020.

Ansible usage/playbook

Using Ansible to update containers.

root@kb2018:/etc/ansible# ansible pets  -m raw -a ""

Container Backup/Archive

Ansible backups are DEPRECIATED.

cd /etc/ansible ;screen -L time ansible-playbook playbooks/backup-lxd-containers.yml -vvv -i importants
A python based script which is run by cron at midnight maintains warm spares on bs2020:


Creation of containers

Container creation is simply a matter of adding the container info to /etc/ansible/hosts. under local_containers.

root@kb2018:/etc/ansible# nano hosts
#   variables used by playbooks to create/maintain containers
#   Host Variables
#     ip_address
#     purpose #
#   Lan Variables
#     ip_netmask
#     ip_gateway
#     ip_dns_server (default server)
#   Base Image alias to create container
#     image_alias
#   Profiles
#     net_and_disk_profile - profile defining disk pool and network connection
#     system_profile       - base users and other cloud-config items
 agoodauthor ip_address= purpose="Sample Server" image_alias="ubuntu/focal/cloud"  
Then run the create-lxc-containers playbook.

root@kb2018:/etc/ansible# ansible-playbook playbooks/create-lxd-containers.yml 

Making your changes perminant

Perminant modifications to this directory should be followed by

git commit -a m"Reason for change"
git push.